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Poll: yessy
Question: yessy
• gâ?¥Aâ? bâ??Ri3lLâ?¥
• gâ?¥Aâ? bâ??Ri3lLâ?¥

Created at 11:53:09 PM 2008.09.16

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Comments (1)
Ack! Shut down my computer? Of cosrue, I can, and have done so on occasion, usually because of power outages, lol. I sometimes spend a day offline, but since I make part of my income through my blog it's usually a daily thing for me. I was not aware of the project. Is it a "get out and enjoy your life instead of being addicted to your computer" sort of initiative?Mahalo for visiting my blog! Hope you found something worth coming back for. I did while here!

by Subhra 09:17:59 AM 2015.10.29
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